

Wefi  刀枪Blue的新站点:WeFi

WeFi 这个词是想说 We WiFi ,域名是 .info,正好,意味着提供信息。我期望有一个--也期望 WeFi 能办成--理想的 WiFi 信息参考网站。能方便地找到这些热点信息:详细地址是哪里,是否免费,稳定性,速度,安全性,是否易用,如果需要的话如何登陆等等等等。在这个搜集了各个城市各处可以使用的 WiFi 热点的地方,大家能知道直奔哪个 bar 的角落就有信号;如果隐藏了 SSID,如何炮制即可登陆;PDA 上打 Skype 语音质量怎么样;不点东西吃是不是也能蹭人家的网络;或者…甚至…是不是经常有漂亮 MM 也在那儿冲浪等等等等


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DreamHost取消了CPU minute限制?


2. No more CPU minute restrictions!

“Crazy overselling!” What’s that all about? Well, if you like to read,


will explain it all! And see that little “post-script” at the “bottom”?

Well, we’re sick and tired of people being sick and tired of getting
disabled for “cpu minute” overages! ESPECIALLY when we don’t even have
any real set “cpu minute” levels for plans, or a tab on our web panel
where you can track your usage.

So “guess” what?! We’ve changed our “cpu minute” “policy” “for the
better!” We no longer HAVE any limits on “cpu minutes”. Maybe it’s just
semantics, and maybe it’s just “crazy overselling”, but as long as your
site or scripts aren’t causing problems with the server, you are IN THE

Let’s say you’re not IN THE CLEAR though.. don’t worry! We’ll work with
you! We’re adding a BUNCH of new servers to help “get” the average load
per web server down, and we’ll work with high-load people to get their
usage down or their butts onto a new server that can handle it. What a
sweet web host.. let no one accuse US of “crazy overselling,” and we
won’t accuse THEM.

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